Community Vision | Dewitt Clinton Park


Building a Community Vision for the Parks’s Future

This fall, a community process lead by Clinton Housing Development Company and facilitated by Design Wild took place to build a cohesive community vision for the future of the park. We are deeply committed to reaching the full spectrum of the park's users and the neighborhood constituents essential to making the vision truly representative. The outcome of this process will be a unified vision for Dewitt Clinton Park, advocacy efforts for funding from and with elected officials, government agencies and a vibrant community group to steer the way.


- Park Kickoff Event -

Our first event was a park kickoff day with perfect weather, great music, local food and tons of neighbors and fun. We had walking tours and maps of the park for community feedback as well as fun visioning activities for all ages.


Everywhere we went we asked people ‘What Do You Love About Dewitt Clinton Park?’ and what would you like to see improved?

I’ve lived 60 years in Hell’s Kitchen and the park is near and dear to my heart

I’ve lived 60 years in Hell’s Kitchen and the park is near and dear to my heart

This is my dog. He likes to come to the park and run around. So do I.

This is my dog. He likes to come to the park and run around. So do I.

We sit for 10min to an hour every day then we walk around the loop mostly for him.

We sit for 10min to an hour every day then we walk around the loop mostly for him.

A track! We need a running track.

A track! We need a running track.


- Historic Gallery Show -

We opened a photo exhibit that showcased Dewitt Clinton Park’s long history, bringing to life the people and the park that have brought such vitality to the area for over a hundred years. From its early days as a children’s garden to the transformations of its various sports fields and the surrounding streets, these incredible photographs transport us through the decades. The show provided inspiration, honoring the past as the community envisions the future of the park. The exhibit was a collaboration between Clinton Housing Development Company (CHDC) and Hell’s Kitchen Generations, a group of individuals born and raised in Hell’s Kitchen whose families have lived here for at least two generations, with coordination assistance by Design Wild and MC Gallery.

All photographs are generously provided by Hell’s Kitchens Generations members and the NY Parks Department

ANR_590_M022, 1910 Parks Annual Report.jpg
Photo Oct 17, 4 00 43 PM.jpg

We then held a Community Visioning Event


We got to know each other, shared food and got down to business. Table groups worked on guiding principles for the park as a whole as well as drawing out improvements on provided maps of the park.

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