Streets That Breathe | Midtown

Just in time for the summer's heat, Design Wild brought our plant magic and teamed up with the Hudson Yards Hell's Kitchen Alliance to transform this space from one of the busiest, hot, concrete blocks dominated by traffic, into a flowery heaven. Nestled at the entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel on 37th Street and 9th Avenue, a surprising parklet oasis emerges that is lovingly referred to as the Canoe. Typically, this humble little public space is scattered with local businesspeople on lunch breaks, nearby residents enjoying the shade of a tree, or a lucky tourist who happened upon a spot to rest their feet. As of this month, Design Wild infused the space with our favorite summer flowers, textures, patterns, and greenery. Complimenting the new plantings, are a swath of blooming tree beds that run along 9th Ave protecting the busy bike lane, bringing visual coordination to the entire area. 

Design Wild has been dedicated to bringing life to Hell's Kitchen public spaces for the last ten years, and we feel so grateful to have a hand in this constantly evolving process. We are strong believers in the positive mental and spiritual impact of these wild spaces in a city as chaotic and overwhelming as New York. 

Some of our favorite new flower friends are this funky yucca plant sending up its flowering stalk, these everblooming knock-out roses, and the forever mysterious purple smokebush. 


And while we can't ease the traffic that is always raging in this neighborhood, we can soften the streets with plants to make it even just a bit more enjoyable and lower stress for people as they walk through. 
